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Gas Pring Knowledge Home>> Gas Spring Knowledge
Classification and characteristics of the gas spring
First, free type gas spring ( strut ) (Lift gas spring) is the most widely used gas springs . It is mainly play a supportive role , only the shortest , longest two position themselves unable to stop during the journey . In the automotive , textile machinery , printing equipment, office equipment , construction machinery and other industries most widely used. Free type gas spring with its light, smooth , easy to operate , price , etc., in automobiles, engineering machinery, printing machinery, textile machinery and other industries until the GF applications. Or cold environment, the acidic or alkaline environment.

Second, the self-locking gas spring ( recliners , controllable gas spring ) (Lockable gas spring) on the medical device applications most. The use of some kind of gas spring release mechanism can be stopped in any position of travel , and to stop after a great locking force ( up to 10000N above ) .

Three damper (Damper) are used more than in the automotive and medical equipment , which is characterized as the speed of operation and resistance to change . Can be clearly linked to the speed of institutions acting as a buffer . Damper is mainly used for dampening effect , its greatest feature is the air force of the spring with the change velocity changes . During the spring when the faster boot gas spring force acting point obviously increases the resistance movement , and when the point of the movement is very slow, almost no resistance . Dampers are used in washing machines, refrigerators and other industries.

Fourth, the traction gas spring ( spring pull strength ) (Gas traction springs) is a special gas spring : in other gas springs are in a free state when the maximum position , i.e., after the external force from the longest the position of the shortest position movement, and free state traction gas springs in the shortest position by traction to run from the shortest at most strengths. Traction gas spring also has a corresponding free-type , self-locking type.

In addition , there are common from the material of stainless steel gas springs and gas springs . The maximum amount of ordinary steel gas spring , stainless steel gas springs used for environmental requirements more demanding places, such as food machinery, medical equipment, military industry , high-temperature characteristics and applications .

Judge the quality of a gas spring

Judge the quality of the merits of a gas spring mainly from the following aspects : first, its tightness , tightness bad if oil spills, leaks and other phenomena occur during use ; followed accuracy, such as the need to 500N gas spring , some manufacturers out of force error does not exceed 2N, some manufacturers and 500N products may actually need quite far away ; again is life, its life with its fully retractable number of calculations ; finally is in changes in the value of the force stroke , the gas spring should be in the ideal state in the trip force value remains unchanged . However, due to the design and processing factors , such stroke of the gas spring force value in the inevitable change. The magnitude of the change is an important measure of a good quality gas spring ring , the smaller the magnitude of change , indicating better quality gas springs , otherwise the worse !
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